Greater Prairie Chickens
Greater Prairie Chickens

Greater Prairie Chickens One of my favorite things to do is sit in a blind out on the Prairie and watch the greater prairie chickens go at it. They whoop and carry on strutting their stuff a majority of the … Continued

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Male Western Bluebird
Male Western Bluebird

Male Western Bluebird Male Western Bluebird was taken while out birding one afternoon. I just love bluebirds and love spending time watching them.  On this particular day it was interesting watching a mountain bluebird couple interact with this western bluebird couple. … Continued

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Western Bluebirds, Western Bluebird Pair, Western Bluebird mating
Western Bluebirds

Western Bluebirds Western Bluebirds was taken while out birding one afternoon. I just love bluebirds and love spending time watching them.  On this particular day it was interesting watching a mountain bluebird couple interact with this western bluebird couple.  They … Continued

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Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark

Western Meadowlark The western meadowlark is know for its beautiful calls on the open prairie and the brilliant yellow breast with a black bib. The western meadowlark and the eastern meadowlark look very similar, and intermingle in the mid-west, experienced … Continued

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Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark

Western Meadowlark Western Meadowlark was taken the day I was out chasing the Greater Prairie Chickens. This western meadowlark was out flaunting, hoping for a girl to swoop by.  There is nothing like the song of the meadowlark on the … Continued

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