Bamboo Creek
Bamboo Creek

Bamboo Creek Bamboo Creek   All of our images are taken with professional equipment, pro D-SLR bodies and lenses. These camera bodies have sensors designed to maximize image quality and the lenses produce the sharpest images. We use these tools to … Continued

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Bluebell Cascade
Bluebell Cascade

Bluebell Cascade All of the mountain valleys have creeks, falls, and cascades. Bluebell Cascade was taken on one of these little known valleys. Many times I intentionally get out and find game trails, I follow the streams and enjoy the … Continued

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Delicate Splendor
Delicate Splendor

Delicate Splendor Delicate Splendor was taken on an unmarked trail from the Hana Highway.  Before going to Maui we purchased the book Maui Revealed, it covers some amazing hikes and scenery throughout the island. This trail disappeared into a bamboo … Continued

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Long Cascade

In the spring, winter snow melt causes our streams to create waterfalls that may not otherwise exist.  Following little know creeks can lead to discovering new waterfalls. All of our images are taken with professional equipment, pro D-SLR bodies and pro … Continued

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Rocky Mountain Waterfall

In the spring, winter snow melt causes our streams to create waterfalls that may not otherwise exist.  Following little know creeks can lead to discovering new waterfalls. All of our images are taken with professional equipment, pro D-SLR bodies and pro … Continued

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Silky Falls
Silky Falls

Silky Falls Silky Falls is a simple yet elegant black and white, the delicate wispy grasses and rambunctious falls add to the contrast. Some images and compositions just work for an individual’s particular style of photography. It is interesting how we … Continued

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Wailua Waterfall, Wailua Falls, Kuaui, Hawaii Waterfalls
Wailua Falls

Wailua Falls Wailua Falls is one of many fantastic tropical waterfalls on Kuaui, Hawaii. Rumor has it people were able to hike to the base and enjoy other views of the falls in the resent past. Apparently someone was making … Continued

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Yankee Boy Basin, Yankee Boy Creek, Yankee Boy Valley, Yankee Boy Falls, Yankee boy Flowers, Yankee Boy Basin Waterfall
Yankee Boy Basin Waterfalls

Yankee Boy Basin Waterfalls Yankee Boy Basin Waterfalls offer numerous opportunities. The falls are best photographed with cloud cover or while the sun is not blasting the white falls.  Flower blooms in July can be spectacular with indians paint brush, … Continued

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