Showing 17–32 of 53 results

Fall Serenity
Fall Serenity Fall Serenity reminds me of why I live in Colorado. Certain areas in Colorado’s high country blossom in the fall as the fall colors display all their splendor. When the conditions are perfect certain areas will display the oranges … Continued

False Kiva
False Kiva was made famous by Tom Till, who has been an inspiration to me as a photographer. I had stumbled across this incredible hike by accident, the hike is secret. A box with pen and paper as a signature … Continued

False Kiva B and W
False Kiva B and W False Kiva B and W was taken late in the evening. The False kiva is an amazing hike, it is long and difficult at times as you climb up down into the base of the … Continued

Fiery Furnace Slot Canyons
Fiery Furnace Slot Canyons are present between the numerous fins. Hiking in the fiery furnace is tricky because there are no marked trails, you are able to hike aimlessly for as long as you would like. There are numerous areas … Continued

Flower Meadow
Flower Meadow Flower Meadow was taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, the mountains from spring to fall offer flower blooms. Depending on the time of year, will dictate the color of the meadow. The flowers typically start lower and by … Continued

Flower Shores
Flower Shores While exploring the north Flower Shores on Maui, it was difficult to miss these incredible flowers. The bees did not miss them either, there were more bees present than I had ever seen in a small area. At … Continued

Greater Prairie Chickens
Greater Prairie Chickens One of my favorite things to do is sit in a blind out on the Prairie and watch the greater prairie chickens go at it. They whoop and carry on strutting their stuff a majority of the … Continued

Honeymoon Walks
Honeymoon Walks While composing Honeymoon Walks, a couple walked perfectly along the beach in front of me, I thought perfect this will give scale, scale of the magnitude. Later I spoke with them, they were on their honeymoon- perfect. All … Continued

Horseshoe Park
Horseshoe Park Living in Colorado, I make many treks to Rocky Mountain National Park, I love Horseshoe Park. In 2013 the forever changed, the flash floods that occurred, washed out much of the creek and destroyed Alluvial Fan Falls. In … Continued

Iceland Glacial Lagoon
As icebergs calve (break from glacier) they gently flow through a lagoon to the ocean where they often become beached until they melt. In the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon this is the normal life of an iceberg. All of our images … Continued

Imagination Tree
Imagination Tree While strolling through Arches National Park, I noticed the moon had sunk to a lower more subtle level for a moonlit landscape, the Milky Way was also readily visible. It is difficult to silhouette an object against a … Continued

Leafy Abstract
Leafy Abstract is an intensely contrasty macro image. Macro photography requires a special lens capable of focusing incredibly close. This image is practically 1:1 with the image portrayed on the sensor is the same size as the object photographed. Macro … Continued

Lonely Leaf
Lonely Leaf While out scouting for morning images for fall colors I stumbled along this lonely leaf stuck in long wispy grasses. The 70-200mm 2.8 lens was my choice for this image. I like the shallow depth of field. I … Continued