Western Bluebirds, Western Bluebird Pair, Western Bluebird mating
Western Bluebirds

Western Bluebirds Western Bluebirds was taken while out birding one afternoon. I just love bluebirds and love spending time watching them.  On this particular day it was interesting watching a mountain bluebird couple interact with this western bluebird couple.  They … Continued

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Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark

Western Meadowlark Western Meadowlark was taken the day I was out chasing the Greater Prairie Chickens. This western meadowlark was out flaunting, hoping for a girl to swoop by.  There is nothing like the song of the meadowlark on the … Continued

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Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark

Western Meadowlark The western meadowlark is know for its beautiful calls on the open prairie and the brilliant yellow breast with a black bib. The western meadowlark and the eastern meadowlark look very similar, and intermingle in the mid-west, experienced … Continued

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Yankee Boy Basin, Yankee Boy Creek, Yankee Boy Valley, Yankee Boy Falls, Yankee boy Flowers, Yankee Boy Basin Waterfall
Yankee Boy Basin Waterfalls

Yankee Boy Basin Waterfalls Yankee Boy Basin Waterfalls offer numerous opportunities. The falls are best photographed with cloud cover or while the sun is not blasting the white falls.  Flower blooms in July can be spectacular with indians paint brush, … Continued

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Yankee Boy Columbine
Yankee Boy Columbine

Yankee Boy Columbine Yankee Boy Columbine is a simple yet complex image. Exposures for the sky and the foreground were substantially different. Bringing the exposure to a more neutral level was key to portray an accurate rendition of what was witnessed … Continued

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